Asea | Wetenschap en onderzoek

ASEA REDOX Gene Study Summary
(pdf - EN)

White Paper on
In-Vitro Bioactivity of ASEA™
(pdf - EN)

Report for ASEA on VO2max Athletic Endurance Enhancement Testing 
(pdf - EN)

Klinisch getest door Dermatest®, een internationaal gerenommeerd dermatologisch onderzoeksinstituut, 
Het felbegeerde 5-sterren zegel 

Wetenschappelijk onderzoek
naar huidgel Renu28
Wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar de huidgel Renu28 (pdf)
(pdf - NL)

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Biochemical Pharmacology 70 (2005) 811-823, “Redox regulation: A new challenge for pharmacology”, Daniel Frein, Stefan Schildknecht (

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Respir Res (2002) 3(26), “Oxygen-sensing mechanisms and regulation of redox-responsive transcription factors in development and pathophysiology”, Haddad JJ.(

Biochemistry (Moscow) 70(2) (2005), “Mitochondrial Metabolism of Reactive Oxygen Species”, A Yu Andreyev (

Am J. Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, v279, pL1005-L1028 (2000), “Reactive Oxygen Species in cell signaling”, Victor J. Thannickal and Barry L. Fanburg (

Exp. Physiol., v90(4), p457-462 (May 2005), “New aspects of artery resistance and structure: Oxidative Stress and Vascular Remodelling”, Ana Fortuno (

Am J Physiol v275 pC1-C24 (1998), “Interaction of reactive oxygen species with ion transport mechanisms (an invited review)”, Joseph I. Kourie (

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J of Medical Microbio, v52, p643-651 (2003), “Reassessment of the microbicidal activity of reactive oxygen species and hypochlorous acid with reference to the phagocytic vacuole of the neutrophil granulocyte”, Emer P. Reeves (

The J. of Cell Biology (JCB), v155(6), p1003-15 (Dec 2001), “VDAC-dependent permeabilization of the outer mitochondrial membrane by superoxide induces rapid and massive cytochrome c release”, M. Madesh, G. Hajonczky (

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